Welcome to the
Ariana Mae Hatami Foundation!

Transforming a heart-shattering tragedy into hope for victims of violence

Community Crisis Response Centers

At a time when domestic violence runs rampant in our society, there are a number of community based organizations that serve the San Francisco Bay Area. The Ariana Mae Hatami Foundation (AMHF) is a place where we work through and in partnership with local agencies that are aligned with our purpose. We provide added resources so that victims of domestic violence will receive an extra layer of help. Our purpose is to help connect people, be a liaison to someone who is lost or does not know where to turn because they have become victimized.

Go to the interactive map that guides you to your nearest crisis center, safe haven, counseling service, or church that have partnered with AMHF to provide support to women in critical need.

There Is No Stopping To Complete Our Mission

Under the Ariana Mae Hatami Foundation (AMHF), there are no social classes or racial  boundaries in order to receive the aid (financial or emotional) that is available to meet the needs of women who truly need it. AMHF operates on the “big heart” philosophy that was conceived from the young woman herself. Ariana told the people around her that she has a big heart and from that fundamental principle, we will strive to remove barriers that would otherwise cause additional hardship.

Relationship abuse and domestic violence are a fateful everyday occurrence. Our daughter, Ariana did not realize she was in danger of her life until it was too late. This foundation was created to help others realize the warning signs and to seek help.




You Have A Role To Play

Give us your support in one of the following ways

Learn about the causes of domestic violence and how to help prevent it

Support our mission with a one-time or recurring monetary donation

Take action against domestic violence alongside AMHF


What Guides Us

Our Guiding Principles serve as a compass both individually and organizationally. They are the application of our core beliefs that help to shape and direct our work. We approach all we do and every decision we make with the Guiding Principles in mind.


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