
We believe that political, judicial and corporate advocacy is a critical part of elevating the           consciousness of how domestic abuse and murder of defenseless women impact everyone either directly or indirectly. What are the actual steps we are taking to advocate for women in domestic violent situations?  Currently, AMHF is working at the County level to change laws by providing education to victims when filing for or changing a restraining order against her abuser.

As an advocate first for my deceased daughter Ariana then for defenseless women, I can attest that the AMHF is absolutely not a frivolous or senseless cause for which we need your support. We need to protect our women and it doesn’t matter what political or religious stance you take or what your sexual orientation is. Our campaign to engage our elected officials, corporate and community leaders will likely be one of our biggest challenges to incite action, donate or make other contributions to AMHF so that we can fulfill our promise to the women we choose to focus our efforts.

“Transforming a heart-shattering tragedy into hope for victims of violence”

You Have a Role to Play

Learn about the causes of domestic violence and how to help prevent it

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